(600-800km) A little patience

Leaving Auckland. 20km later: Do I shurely have all my gear? Yes. But I also have the hostel key. I call my friends. Half an hour later: key is going north, I am going south. With me Tobias from Canada. We stumble into another German hiker. He started straight from the airport, jetlag and untanned. Hiker party with delivered pizza, then sleep behind a public toilet in the park. Clevedon and Hunua Ranges. Early start, easy roadwalk. Soft rain keeps everything wet. A car looses control and slips into the fence 5 meter before us. Tyres smoking! Wow! Young Asian driver is happy to be unharmed. Own route to the Sunday farmers market in Clevedon. Whitebait toast. Google it! More rain and finally a muddy forest. Pleasant soft mud, then unpleasant, then boring. Finally the hut we pushed forwards to. No mats, but rainwater! Muesli and nuts. Have to focus not to devour the plastic bag as well. Towards Mercer. Rain non stop, but less mud. This path hasn't seen many footprints yet. Steep...