(1400-1600km) Run to the hills

Leaving Wanganui. Musik on, umbrella up. 20km on state highway3: Here we go. Only hate the road when you're missing home. Big fast truck. Windblow breaks my umbrella. Now I get sunburned. Nice campground in Koitiata. I get free dinner and have good conversation with a German couple! Sunset at the beach. Bulls and Mount Rees. Beach again. Black sand, soft as flour. Then gravel, then asphalt. Cabbage trees flowering. Sit in the shade near Bulls' McDonalds to steal WiFi. Truck driver stops, buys me an icecoffe and drives off. Again free dinner from a German girl! I'm in love with live and live is with me! Palmerston North: Boring roadwalk. Easy until I get lost. Fight through blackberrys higher than myself, tramp through a river. Stop at the post office. 110g tent pegs and guy lines go back to Auckland. 5 pegs are enough. Kids ask me to join a human pyramid. It's fun. Shopping hungry at Pak'n'save. Damn, I bought too much! Leaving Palmerston North. Still to...